Winter Outlook: India to Experience Warmer Days and Nights from December to February, Says IMD

India Winter Outlook
Pic: Unsplash

IMD Winter Outlook:

El Niño Impact: El Niño, a Pacific Ocean warming, brings warmer and drier conditions to India.

Temperature Forecast: IMD predicts above-normal minimum temperatures for most of India from Dec 2023 to Feb 2024.

Maximum Temperatures: Above-average in most areas, except for parts of Central and Northwest India.

Coldwaves Prediction: Below normal in the northern half due to higher temperatures linked to El Niño.

Reasons: El Niño and regional factors like frequent western disturbances causing cloudiness.

South Peninsular India: Normal December rainfall expected, with 69-131% of Long Period Average (LPA).

Surprising Rainfall: Above-normal rainfall is anticipated in Northwest, Central, and East India, and parts of South Peninsular India.

El Niño Conditions: Moderate to strong conditions are expected in the equatorial Pacific Ocean throughout winter, as per the MMCFS forecast.

Guidance for Preparedness: Predictions offer guidance for winter preparedness, highlighting the interaction between global climate phenomena and local weather conditions. 

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